XAMPP Troubleshoot – Why Apache is Not Starting in Windows 10?

If your XAMPP server does not start, you will probably get this error. This problem usually comes from two places: the XAMPP Control Panel and World Wide Publishing Service. In either case, your XAMPP server may not be able to start, as both programs use port 80. This issue can be solved by stopping the other program before starting XAMPP. To fix the problem, you need to stop both programs.

XAMPP errors contain quite a lot of information and it is not easy to decipher them, especially for non-technical people. However, there are several things you can do if you are unable to figure out the error message. Usually, the error indicates that another application is using the same port. A port is a network connection point, and it can only support one program at a time. Blocking the other program from using the same port will stop it from starting.

The next step is to change the default port of Apache on Windows. XAMPP has built-in instructions on how to change this setting. You can change it to another port if you cannot change the default port of the service. You can also turn off certain features of Windows to make the server work. If you cannot resolve this problem, you can try these other solutions: they are free.

  • The next step is to manually start the Apache server. If XAMPP doesn’t start, you can try restarting it. Once it starts, you’ll be able to access the XAMPP dashboard and any websites installed on the platform. If that does not work, you can try resetting the ports. Otherwise, try restarting the Apache server. You should see it working soon.
  • The next step is to change the default port of the Apache server. If it is still not starting, you can manually set a new port. The default port is localhost:121. This can be done by pressing the Ctrl+S shortcut key. Then, the default port of the Apache server should be changed to localhost:121. Once you have done this, the Apache server should start.
  • If the Apache server does not start, you must check the ports. If they are not open, you should open the port manually. Then, change the ports of the other programs. For instance, you can use a different port for HTTP. Changing the ports will help your XAMPP server start. If the ports aren’t open, you need to redirect them to the one for Apache.

Download XAMPP and try the above solutions if XAMPP does not get start.

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