XAMPP MySQL & phpMyAdmin


SQL is acronym used for ‘Structured Query Language’, used to manage database of web applications. MySQL is used by WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and phpBB, apart from these giant CMSs (Content Management System) MySQL is also used by Facebook, Twitter Flickr etc. It is an open source RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) helps you arrange you web app data, update, delete and get back your data whenever it is needed. The administration of these functions is done using phpMyAdmin. phpMyAdmin is explained below and the relation to MySQL.


XAMPP is a Cross-plat form package which includes MySQL/Maria DB. This helps in managing database of a web application and is required to run website and server which is database-enabaled. To test your work locally before making it live the package comes in help. A CMS website needs to be developed locally and tested on XAMPP server, there comes XAMPP MySQL to help manage the database of the website. To administer the database, tables, users, and indexes etc phpMyAdmin log in is needed. Download XAMPP free and develop your imagination..


phpMyAdmin is a free tool to support the administrative operations of  MySQL. You may directly execute any SQL statement but phpMyAdmin provide an easy GUI to just execute the same statement with just a click. The administrative operations may include management of databases, columns, tables, indexes, users etc which can be performed easily through GUI of phpMyAdmin.

phpMyAdmin has a great documentation to help its users and the team of developers are always ready assist if users face any problem. Also new ideas for the project are always welcomed.

XAMPP phpMyAdmin

As MySQL come with the pacakge as a build in function. But the question is how phpMyAdmin will be accessed through it? To open XAMPP phpMyAdmin you need to type in browser:


phpMyAdmin panel will be opened, here you click on databases, fill the fields and click create button. This will create a database as you named and a success message will appear. With default settings HostName is localhost MySQL User is root and no password.In short you may set password to phpMyAdmin on XAMPP , may create databases using XAMPP phpMyAdmin and may import/export databases on it. Simply XAMPP phpMyAdmin helps you manage database efficiently and perfectly.